Winter cheer

It's snowing! I watch my daughter wonder at snowflakes swirling. Our snowy day activities are now triggered, we make some  milky hot chocolate

As a displaced southerner, when Old Man Winter and the holidays converge I’d like to sit out the season of shorter days, fading sunlight and social obligations, overwhelmed with treats. 

“Bah humbug!”, say friends with cold rosy cheeks. Fear not. Make a few mindset shifts and habit changes to experience more CHEER this winter season.

Today we will focus on making mindset shifts to help you approach the overwhelming amount of food-centered gatherings and food temptations that can be present in this season. 

Mindset shifts around food, food, and more food  

Instead of thinking, “How can I possibly eat well during the holidays, it’s just too hard?”, try to make a mindset shift.

MINDSET SHIFT: I’ve made progress with my health goals this year. I won’t overdo it this holiday season. I will resist but not restrict. I’ll use mindfulness to slow down.

Prior to a meal: 

During meals: 

  • Eat loads of vegetables, assess hunger and go back for more vegetables or protein if needed

  • Small servings of indulgent favorites offer blissful bites, fulfill cravings, and keep you on track 

  • Alternate alcoholic drinks with a low sugar mocktail or sparkling water

After the meal:

Stay tuned, this blog continues later this week with more tips on healthy mindset shifts!


Learn more about Mindful Eating from Healthline

Author: Shannon Svikhart, RDN


Winter cheer, part II


Wellness Wishlist