Navigating the bread aisle
Thanks to intern Olivia Eliadis for doing the tough job of taste testing several popular breads for us and blogging about it! Olivia studies dietetics at the University of Delaware.
There seems to be a misunderstanding when it comes to bread and it’s time to clear things up! Bread CAN be a part of a nutritious diet.
Best bets: Look for whole wheat or whole grain bread as a good choice, it contains complex carbs which are digested slowly and help to keep blood sugars stable.
Benefits: In addition to stabilizing blood sugars, consuming bread made from whole wheat and whole grains can be beneficial to your overall nutrition. These breads are high in fiber which helps with gut health. Whole grains also contain vitamins and minerals. For all of these reasons, having a sandwich or some toast in the morning won't set you back from your health and nutrition goals.
I tasted and evaluated four types of popular bread so you don't have to; check out the brands I tried below and learn more about my rankings at the end of the blog.
I’m revealing my rankings and sharing my comments on the blog next week, stay tuned!