No Setbacks Summer

There's this feeling in the air when summer arrives, a welcome anticipation of warm-weather fun, time with friends and family, and vacations. There’s also the “summer slide”, which is not just about kids losing traction with learning.  It's easy for the grown-ups to lose traction on the healthy habits they have been learning, too!

To support you this summer we’ve created the No Setbacks Summer program to help you stay true to your desire to live a healthier lifestyle. If you haven't checked it out yet, visit us on Instagram and Facebook and follow along real-time with the July workouts and meal preps. We’ve got a recap of June’s resources right here for you!

Meal prep inspirations 

  • Simple strawberry salad - feel free to use your own store-bought dressing

  • Burger bowl - use ground turkey or a veggie burger patty for a leaner option

  • Burrito bowl - this one’s vegetarian, but feel free to add meat to yours

  • Chicken salad - keep it classic or try our favorite curry chicken salad recipe

Workouts - the long term goal is to be active for 150 minutes every WEEK, using a mix of cardio and strength options.

Cardio options

Strength options


Myth or fact?


More plants, less meat