Foods to improve your mood
It seems like we were right on time with our most recent workshop on how nutrition influences mental health. May is Mental Health Awareness month! While diet is not a primary treatment for mental health issues, it can have a big impact. Though the field of nutritional psychiatry is in it’s infancy, studies are finding fascinating information about how the brain and gut interact and how inflammation affects our entire body, including the brain. Depression, anxiety, and possibly other mental health concerns can benefit from proper nutrition.
We’d love to help guide you through implementing a meal plan that supports your mental health. For a sneak peek into what kind of foods might be included, we’ve compiled a shopping list of the foods that researchers have found to be most beneficial to mental health and improving your mood.
Click here for information on mental illness or to find help with mental health concerns.
Watch a quick overview on the brain-gut axis. Note - I do not endorse the product that is sold by the company that made this video, I just like the way the video explains things.